Sunday, May 22, 2011

Here we are again, happy as can be...

Well. Here's this. I'm not sure what to talk about, since I'm almost never sure what to talk about. Maybe a bit of introduction would be in order?

Please, call me Wayward Marbles. I wanted "Wandering Marbles" but that was already taken. And really, "Wayward" is far more accurate as far as my own feelings go.

About me. I am 26 years old, female, post-grad with a History degree doing absolutely nothing with it. I toy with writing--blogs and novels--am playing with the idea of being a librarian when I grow up, have very little social life but a very active mental world.

If I could travel anywhere in the world, and I wasn't such a chicken about possibly dangerous and/or uncomfortable situations (it's good to now one's flaws!), I would go to Turkey and Mongolia. The usual travel places are also on my list: Ireland, England, China, Japan, Australia, Brazil, Argentina, and I would desperately love to take a castle tour of Germany. But Turkey, especially Çatalhöyük, and Mongolia and it's vast, terrifyingly beautiful steppes, fascinate me at every turn.

Alas, I am working only part-time, living in my childhood home, and have about $90 dollars at the end of the month to spend on gas and groceries. So not a lot of travel opportunities, especially not to regions which require thousands of dollars.

Other (arguably) strange things about me: I like blades, and have a modest collection of mostly cheap knives, daggers, and swords. I am a fangirl, and mostly unashamed of it. I read and write fanfiction, mostly when I'm putting off writing something of my own. It's a wonderful procrastination tool.

I can proudly state that I have met one of my idols, as well. Two years ago I got to meet Tamora Pierce, and tell her what her books meant to me. I almost cried, as did she, so I changed the subject to how much she reminds me of my aunt. And she signed my hardback first editions of the Circle of Magic series, so I am a happy happy fangirl.

I think that's enough oddness.

I had the vague idea that I should include some kind of theme here, possibly in the vein of "My Summer of Eating Local-ish" but I'm not sure how well I'll do that. So keep an eye out for a title change.

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